SAR labs

2022-06-15 16:04:52 0

Due to the widespread popularity of radio equipment (such as mobile phones) worldwide, more and more government departments, telecommunications regulatory agencies, etc. require the reduction of electromagnetic wave radiation to a suitable level. In order to meet the urgent needs of the majority of mobile phone manufacturers, EasyTest has introduced the mobile phone electromagnetic wave energy absorption ratio (SAR) test system from the British SATIMO company . The test system fully complies with the SAR standards of IEEE/IEC/EN and American ANSI. It is fast, accurate, safe and efficient. It is also the most widely used and widely recognized SAR test system in the world's top laboratories. The test frequency range of this system reaches 6GHz, and it can conduct certification tests for GSM, CDMA, WLAN and other types of products (not limited to mobile phones).

With the development of information technology and manufacturing, the public is increasingly concerned about the impact of electromagnetic radiation of wireless communication terminals on human health while enjoying various conveniences brought by wireless communication equipment ; It has always attached great importance to it; Europe, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan have formulated relevant directives, technical regulations and mandatory standards for the management of radio frequency and microwave radiation in their own regions or countries; many countries including China Mobile user terminal manufacturers have been required to indicate SAR-related technical indicators and user guides in product packaging and /or instructions.


 Specific Absorption  RateSAR (Specific Absorption Rate)

       Definition of SAR: Under the action of an external electromagnetic field, an induced electromagnetic field will be generated in the human body. Since various organs of the human body are dissipative media, the electromagnetic field in the body will generate electric current, resulting in the absorption and dissipation of electromagnetic energy. SAR is often used in biological dosimetry to characterize this physical process.

       The meaning of SAR is the electromagnetic power absorbed or consumed by a unit mass of human tissue, in W/kg. It can also be expressed as: the differential value of the energy element (dW) absorbed (dissipated) by the mass element (dm) in the volume element (dV) of a given density (ρ) against time is SAR, which is expressed by the following formula: SAR It can also be obtained by any one of the following formulas: Among them: SAR - specific absorption rate, unit is W/kg; E - Rms value of electric field intensity in tissue, unit is V/m; σ - dielectric conductivity, unit is S/m; ρ; --specific heat capacity of tissue, in J/kg and K; --time derivative of initial temperature of tissue cells, in K/s


Limits EN 50360 (Head Limit): 2.0W/Kg (10g Average) EN 50566 (Body Limit): 2.0W/Kg (10g Average) Test Method EN 62209-1 (Head Method Standard); IEC 62209 -2 (body method standard)

whole body average

local specific area

Hand, wrist, foot, ankle and other extremity positions









  FCC certification

Limit ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1999; C95.3: 1.6W/Kg (1g Average) FCC CFR 47 Part 2.1091, 2.1093 Measurement method IEEE 1528-2003 (head method); OET 65 (body part method); FCC KDB file

whole body average

local specific area

Hand, wrist, foot, ankle and other extremity positions








